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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

ICT Lores IV

This school year’s fourth grading lesson’s all about photoshop. It’s only now that it sinked it how amazing it can really be.

Before we started to explore it, I already know the basics. As we went deeper into it, of course, I gained. But I have to admit the fact that the lesson came in fast and it came it out faster. Specially the steps. I don’t know why but I didn’t like that type of doing things. I’d love to explore by myself. Discover new things which I’ll never forget. And of course, burying  them in my heart.

I do love editing but I guess, Photoshop won’t bear with me all the time in the near future.

Above all, I would like to thank our awesome teacher Mrs. Evelyn Vera Cruz for educating us and for her guidance in exploring the world of Photoshop.

Bye high school, hello college!

A Pipe Dream

If there’s one thing which can’t be predicted using crystal balls or with any scientific instrument, it is the future. Change is inevitable and with the fact that future has always been affixed with it makes it arduous to foretell it.

At this point of time, I have always been thinking of what I’d be in the future. To be honest, I really don’t know who I’ll be and what will my profession be. But, there’s one summer dream which couldn’t seem to leave my psyche...

I woke up with a start and held my phone right in my ear. Someone called me and I said that I’ll be there in an hour. I went to the location they told me. It was a replica of my Alma Mater, Ilocos Sur National High School. I was surrounded by professionals: doctors, engineers, architects, teachers, and many other else.

I don’t know who I was.

I laid my eyes around my room and met my own reflection.

The dream made me wonder and think who I’ll be. Though my title was unknown, there was this eccentric feeling I felt and I’m certain about what it denoted. In that moment, happiness, contentment, and love filled my heart up to its brim. I was happy. And it was genuine.

As I am to think of the future  this time, I already have a thing in mind. Whatever my profession would be,  and whatever acronym or whatnot that  might come before and after my name, I’d love to have an unswerving additional label. Not only in the name but in the heart as well.

I want to be “HAPPY.” 


How would it be possible to change the world?

If people are more concerned about their facebook noifications than their neighbors.
If they care more about their sunburnt skins more than the children being bullied gravely at school.

To change the world, it starts with a single person. That single person needs to have  what it takes – character, intellectual capacity, emotional strength and of course spiritual aptitude.

“Rosa Parks didn't move from her seat,
Dr. King shared his dream with the world, and Barack Obama rewrote history. By overcoming
the odds, and never giving up, these legendary people not only inspire millions, they serve as a blueprint on how to change the world.”

The fact that any single act of genuine bravery in the face of defeat  can leave a mark unto this cruel world makes it more inspiring to do so.

I do believe that even for who I am now, I can give a huge contribution to a better change by letting change lay upon me first. I must not just sit down and watch things happen; I must stand up in spite of the consequences. I must share what I have to others and to the world. And most importantly, I must inspire the populace to have hope and desire for change in the existing state of affairs.

I must do these things before my time comes. Death is not what I am afraid of though. It’s oblivion. And to avoid this I need to have a character that could change the world. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

KANNAWIDAN Ylocos Festival

Colorful flaglets. Huge banners. Magnificent decorations. Clannish costumes.

Philippines is a country known for its various festivals. Most of which are due to religion. But, nowadays, the religious aspect comes next as its epitome already.

The province of Ilocos Sur is blessed with a very rich heritage. Its customs and traditions gives the province itself a foremost oddness. However, because of the rapid modernization, these customs and traditions are slowly vanishing. Children of this generation spend most of their time on televisions and on the internet. They are very fond of the modern dances and foreign songs that they aren’t even aware of the significance of their own traditional dances and songs. Because of  the signs of the culture’s extinction, there really is a need to revive and rekindle the soul of the Ilocano. There is a need to conduct programs and celebrations to make Ilocano aware of their customs and traditions, to pave the way in preserving them; and thus, preserve the peculiarity of our culture.

With response to this, the city government organize a festival to preserve these customs and traditions as well as to attract foreign and local tourists. It is called the KANNAWIDAN Festival. It is also the time to celebrate the anniversary of the province of Ilocos Sur since it was separated February 2, 1818.

Kannawidan Festival is on its 196th year. It’s annually celebrated to create awareness and preservation on the rich cultural heritage of Ilocos Sur. There are many activities which are being conducted in this celebration. It sets the stage for a religious procession with miraculous saints from different municipalities, a trade fair featuring dances and crafts and local products, events such as cultural dances and ethnic rituals, a zarzuela performance, traditional games, Saniata(pageant)  and a food fest featuring traditional local cuisine.

Kannawidan has really attained its purpose which is to preserve the rich Ilocano culture. With these colourful week, I am in no doubt that people will give importance to what it’s like to be a true-blooded Ilocano. And of course, with the collective efforts of the Ilocanos and the provincial officials, Ilocos Sur will continue shining not only in the Philippines but also around the globe.

Soar high Ilocos Sur!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

New Year! New...... Me?

A change on the fourth digit of 201. Another chapter of our lives. A different period of love, misadventures, failures, triumphs, expectations and disappointments.

I am sure that 2013 had been a circus town of emotions. As the automaton stops, we certainly think that it’s done. End of Show. End of story. Well it’s not, of course. But just another signpost we’ve vied. Ups and downs.  Highs and hues. I am in no doubt that we became better because of the negatives.  And of course, our bucket of memories and laughter are now closer to their brims.

We can’t say that this year was ‘perfect’ because of the fact that future (no matter what its range is) is unpredictable. And there’s always another year where new things are conveyed.  Bunches of opportunities to grab, and reels of threads  to hold onto.  Along these lines, for the chi of new beginnings, I’ve decided to impart my New Year’s resolutions.

Health is wealth. To be healthier. To eat enough. To eat on time. To drink plenty of water.
To submit my projects on time. To not get drawn to procrastination. To give my best shot every time. To participate on activities where my skills could be developed. To take hold on every opportunity without hesitation. To let go of my reticence and to develop spontaneity.
To make new friends. To smile more often. To be more kind to others and of course to myself. To say “thank you” more often (with sincerity).
To be true  to myself. To voice out what’s  in my head. To appreciate the positives and develop the negatives. To do what could result into good.
To share more blessings. To spend more time with the people I love.
To live my life to the fullest.
To learn to let go. “The price of a memory is the memory of the sorrow it brings.” Memories are said to be sacrosanct, so, in taking another path, we must not forget they are already just scars of the past. 2013 may have given me a lot of miseries, but I hope that this 2014, I could finally loosen my grip to the cuts I’ve been enduring for a matter of time.

If truth be told, NEW YEAR makes people shriek the chant “New Year! New Me!”  particularly in the social networking sites. In my head, I say “ Do they really want to be NEW? Like… NEW?,” “Ugh. Maybe they meant ‘New Year. New Style. New Hair. Blablabla..”
If I am to be asked, I strongly do not want to be a “NEW” me. I have my resolutions but they aren’t intended to turn me out into a different person. They are the things to strive for – to improve the things I, myself, already have and to find them within me.

Now let me ask you, are you ready?

Me? I am ready. I am ready to ameliorate me. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Just like during second grading, 3rd grading was busier than I have ever expected.  And of course it is because of the contests we were preparing for (DSPC, RSPC, City Meet).

Though distracted by these activities, at least, I still learned something in this subject (ICT).  We discussed and did some exercises in putting background images, background colours, hyperlinks, etc.,
At first, as usual, I find it boring, but when our subject teacher gave us assignment, every piece of me was challenged. The other teams were composed of very creative individuals, I was threatened, we were threatened. So, we did our very best. We sacrificed for about two hours of sleep each day. It was worth it. Most of our classmates enjoyed our project and I do hope that our teacher did too. Their comments were enough and relieving. I was just happy that we were able to apply everything that we have learned.

In this final grading, I am going to make the best out of it and that I am hoping for more challenging yet fun activities and projects! :)

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Christmas Message To All

Christmas, they say, is the season for giving and sharing. With the terms giving and sharing, it do not mean that you need to buy the most luxurious gifts for your family or friends. It's about the willingness to give and share a part of your life, a part of your well-being, a part of yourself. The season is a way to remind us about the real meaning of Christmas itself - that sharing is caring.
Back in our childhood days, we would ask for gifts from our Ninongs and Ninangs: toys, coins, foods. All these things made us so happy that we didn't care about anything else. Now that we're grown up, a simple hug and kiss from our parents, close relatives and bestfriends would mean a lot. We always knew that being with them is still the best way to celebrate Christmas. 

Between life and death, there are many obstacles an individual must overcome. At one point, we would just let ourselves drop on our knees because of so much stress, of so much suffering. There are these critical times when we were next to giving up, letting every sliver of hope go. From simple mistakes to our total failure, sometimes, we even wish we could just disappear into dust. 

But amidst all those dark moments when problems seem to suffocate us and natural forces ruin our lives, we still have sweet, happy moments to hang on to - having quality time with love ones, accomplishing a job, attaining an ultimate goal,finding the answer to long-asked question, and achieving victory. And more than that, there's this day wherein we feel like celebrating all our hardships and sacrifices for the whole year and for a while, forget all the worries and troubles that are on our ways. 

There may be those less fortunate people who can't afford to get a new dress or have something to feast on, we may be one of those people. But we are STRONG. We cannot let any obstacle spoil the happiest time ogf the year. Every one of us deserves a 'Merry' Christmas.

Just remember our common goal: "Give love on Christmas day." Say "I love you" to your family, to your friends, to your collegues. For these three powerful words can heal everyon's heart. Don't merely say it; let them feel it. And most of all, express your love and gratitude to the Lord, for He is really the source of pure and divine love - the true essence of Christmas.